Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Heaven Sent by Jessica Damien

Heaven Sent. Jessica Damien. Tirgearr Publishing. April 2014. 402 kb.  ASIN: B00JRFGGZW.

Ben was enjoying a happy normal life with a beloved wife when an innocent sore throat turned into a death sentence.  Now Ben’s at the Pearly Gates of Heaven and is wondering what it will all be like.  Little does he know that he’s about to become an angel – an angel in training that is, as it seems admission is not as easy as a “guilty” or “innocent” announcement.  Well, Ben may have been successful in his human life but is a bit of a bumbler on the divine side.  Specifically, on his first assignment to assist a depressed human, Dorian, he causes the man’s death – forty-two years before it was supposed to happen.  Lordy, Lordy!

Now Ben and Dorian are a team and their job is to help others stuck in a rut, whether that be a woman who swoons over romance in novels and films but just can’t pursue some real romance for her own fulfillment or the guy who just can’t stop cheating on his wife, believing she knows nothing about his playboy status.  After meeting other angels – some in training and some obviously earning full “guardian” status – we meet a male and female angel who’re hot, hot, hot for each other whether together or apart. So far, it’s light and almost fun, right?  Hang onto your seat!

First the trainees must endure more training – basically, figuring out what powers they actually have and don’t have.  Can they imitate living beings?  Can they prevent certain actions from happening or can they only influence those who do the actual acting?  Does Michael, the head honcho of Angels, have supreme power or is he actually under someone else, like the handsome Donovan.  Are their double agents in the heavenly realm?

The plot ramps up substantially when a world-wide crisis arises! Seems a group of enemy angels has appeared and is planning to destroy the world, beginning in Ireland.  Is this really a plan to decimate the world or are these “dark” angels just wanting to have a super-fight with the heavenly angels.  It seems that the angels in training actually have skills that could help end this divine v. demonic battle.  The beautiful Alexa will actually be the one who is pivotal in forcing the guardian angels to act but what she will endure in the process will not be pretty at all!  The time of training called “observation” will indeed train the newly arrived divine residents to curb reactions and refine actions to productive movements that make change happen, with little damage elsewhere.  The tension of the plot in the latter part of this novel is quite a transition from its earlier pages but well worth the wait!

Jessica Damien has written a thriller, lightly romantic novel that has something for everyone, whether sacred or profane!  Very nicely done, Ms. Damien!

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