There is no pain as severe as that of losing a sibling at a young age. Nothing is the same ever again. Seven years ago, Lexi Solomon lost her sister in a violent act. She is left with another daughter, Molly, who gives her a reason to live, and she's now threatened by her husband who initially deserted her. He's a tyrant for sure and Lexi is afraid of him at first but then clings to something much bigger than fear, which she is going to need for sure in the future.
Lexi's sister's murderer is up for parole, one it seems has a definite possibility of obtaining it. Add to that that Lexi is being threatened by a drug dealer for a debt payment she can't possibly make. The story snakes back and forth from the past to the present, and the survival mode that Lexi had begun to become accustomed to at first is slipping but then becomes stronger and stronger as the riveting plot's pace increases!
She and her daughter will come close to losing life because there is a potent evil conspiring to destroy them. Another so-called criminal will be present in a way that is totally unpredictable and almost incredible. When all is said and done, the characters and readers will be questioning the power that makes one reverse one's judgments to call out and offer understanding where least anticipated and open to understanding how to deal with the true evil that arises from unexplainable causes. To advise forgiveness and release of bitterness is easy; to do it requires supernatural help!
This is supposedly a Christian novel, but its predominant and obvious presence is so balanced and understated that it makes it multiple times more powerful and acceptable than preaching or platitudes usually found in this genre of fiction.
Very nicely done, Erin Healy!!!
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