Mohammed of Babylon, the possible Mahdi of the future, is thrust into a devastating scenario. A group of jihad terrorists have planted a truck with a nuclear bomb in the heart of Washington and another one somewhere in the United States. A Mahdi is defined as the expected redeemer of Islam who will be be the promised one whose presence causes the conversion of the entire world to Islam before the end of the world. Mohammed is well-educated and at the moment has vowed to work for peace, believing that jihad does not mean war and destruction. But the scenario grows more complex, and the reader is constantly unsure who Mohammed will support and who he will condemn.
Meanwhile, the President of the United States, Leonard Bronson, and his top government advisors are forming a plan to neutralize the bomb and recover the $18 million they have been forced to pay to avert the detonation of this bomb that could lay waste to Washington, D.C. and its population who are seemingly unaware of the potential annihilation looming in their midst.
Jack Gresham depicts a scenario of intense anxiety and tension under girding the political plan which appears to be calmly and coolly handled. The reader is unsure at which of dozens of points the plan could jettison into chaos and failure. The goal? Destroy America's -financial infrastructure, not a new one for sure but definitely a scenario that is nightmarishly too credible in today's complex world of splintered and united terrorist groups throughout the world.
Discovery and elimination is the plan, followed by a series of events that on one hand seems contrived but upon contemplation appears to be what is probably happening in the present or will be happening in the unthinkable future!
18 Million is the first book of a planned series focused on Mohammed of Babylon, narrated by an author whose ability to create unbearable fear of terror and respect for those who fight this evil on a day-to-day basis is more than worth a read . It makes one wonder how many similar plans have been thwarted and which one will be the one to eventually succeed? Mohammed at the end of the novel must make a choice, a decision the reader will be awaiting with excited anticipation!
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